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2003-04-05 - 12:35 p.m.
crazy crack whore tried to bite me

This weather is rotten. Freezing rain, then snow, driven by awful winds� who would believe this was the beginning of April? Personally, I blame environmental pollution for the bizarre changes in weather. I just hope my herb garden survives.

Last night a crack whore threw a cake pedestal complete with cake at my crew, and tried to bite me. Then she bit one of the other girls. Then the cops came, and it took 4 of them to take her down� the woman was maybe 5 feet tall, tops, and it took 4 of them to get her in the cruiser? Wow. Whatever she�s on must be pretty powerful stuff.

I was also amused by how many people called the store last night and then asked� �are you open?�. Well, duh. No, I always stay here and answer the phone when we�re closed. Bah, people are such morons sometimes. That ranks up there with �can I have my chili without the bowl?� and �I�d like my coffee in a cup, please�. What the f*ck else will we put it in? Or the ones in the drive-thru that say such intelligent things as �and that�s to go�. Really? I never would have figured that out from you being in your car and all.

More tonight provided I am not too exhausted to care, and then tomorrow and Monday I get to stay home. Too bad I still have work that needs attention that I know I�ll never get finished tonight� but it won�t take me more than an hour or so at home to finish provided I�m not distracted, and then I can do whatever I want. Lots of cuddles with Oscar and maybe a movie or a shopping trip with the girlies. Maybe Portia would like to go swimming again. We�ll see.

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