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Monday, Nov. 17, 2003 - 2:15 p.m.
Brother Bear review

I got to see the kids from my last job today and take them to see Brother Bear. I love Disney movies, but it�s no fun to go by yourself. I want to see Elf, too. W.O.V. is actually interested in that one, so he might join me next time.

Brother Bear was pretty good. The music was less than memorable- certainly not up to the standards set by other recent films, and not even up to the standard set by Tarzan. Phil Collins is an excellent drummer, but not much of a songwriter. He is the evil AntiGabriel. Mind you, the songs in Brother Bear were not as �catchy�, but they weren�t placed as intrusively in the film as they were in Tarzan. The worst thing about Tarzan was that at any given moment, just when something big and emotional happened, Phil would break into song and interrupt the action with what was basically an animated music video. It didn�t add to the story in any way, and was actually distracting. While the songs in Tarzan will have more popular appeal than the soundtrack to Brother Bear, at least I found I could watch it without feeling that it was being interrupted by The Phil Show every 5-10 minutes. I liked it that the ending was not �perfect�, that it wasn�t a formulaic �happy ending�. Very well-thought out storyline, although I thought the animation wasn�t even as good as in Mulan. �We�ve still got Phil on contract for 3 more soundtracks within 6 years! Rush out a film for him to score!�

Anyway, the kids and I had a great time, and I�m hoping now that I have some weekend afternoons off, I can spend more time with them. After the movie, we went to McDonald�s. I didn�t get anything, I think their food sucks. It was mainly just for the kids, they like it. Then we killed half an hour waiting for their parents window shopping and going in the little bargain stores in the mall.

I�ve got to run, I have 15 minutes before I have to leave.

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