Listening To:my new Tori Amos CD

Reading:The Lastborn of Elvinwood

Wishing:no more PMS

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Monday, Nov. 24, 2003 - 12:43 a.m.
pms, and google, and tye-died undies

I was browsing around and came across this article on the evils of tampons. It made me just howl with laughter, especially the bit about �Satan�s Little Cotton Fingers�. I�m still trying to decide if the site is satirical or not. I think it has to be. It must be. No real fundamentalist church would sell �What Would Jesus Do? thong panties.

I discovered something really entertaining. My little experiment worked! If you go to Google and run a search on �webcam pics� you will get thousands of results� one of the first ten is my diary� or at least it was this morning. I got 4 hits referred in from that, according to my stats tracker.

Go me. I should post more pictures like my previous entry. I bet my traffic will increase dramatically.

I�m all pms-ing. Whoohoo. Good thing I stocked up on tampons.

I have all the symptoms, even though it�s not quite due yet. I have the PMS zits, I have the unusual lethargy, and I�m cranky, and I had dreams involving blood. Why I have dreams involving blood every time I get my period, who knows, but I do. I dreamt last night that I got a job in a butcher shop, and I spent all day mopping up blood. Then I went home and had to wash all the blood off me down the drain. I hated my job, but I kept going in every day and cleaning up blood.

Not ideal employment for a vegetarian.

What with the period coming and all, I decided not to wear my new, comfy bra and panty set tomorrow. I got 2-for-1 bras, plain white cotton� but only one of them gets to stay white. The other gets paired with a nice pair of plain white undies� in a dye bath� and they become groovy tie-dyed underwear. 100% unique. No-one else in the world will have a set like them. And before anyone asks, No. I am not intending to post pictures of them. The more anonymous Boobiethon was plenty.

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into everything you do, and you don't stop when
you set your mind to something. You let people
know exactly what's on your mind. However,
your friends are sometimes put off by your
intense drive and fiery personality.

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