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2003-03-23 - 1:11 a.m.
the snot chronicles, chapter 1

This is going to be a short one. I�ve got the evil bug from Hell, and I am really feeling not too well. I have a fever and I have snot dripping out of me at an alarming rate. Work was rotten, every few minutes I�d have another sneezing fit and have to race to the back so the customers wouldn�t have to see me snotting all over the place. I think each time I sneezed out about 250 ml worth� for the metric impaired, that is roughly 8oz, or one full cup of snot. Between that and the fever/chills� I was either boiling hot or freezing cold the entire night. My breathing is poor too� figures, my lung capacity was almost back up to normal levels and I get hit with this shit. I just woke up from an unscheduled nap on the couch� I sat down thinking, �oh, just a few minutes watching TV with Oscar, then I�ll go to bed�� next I knew it was 2 hours later. So now I am just killing a few minutes until my cold medication kicks in (cold&flu tablets are the best invention ever) and I feel comfortable enough to sleep again, then I go to bed. Hopefully to sleep right through until the morning, when (I hope) I�ll get the call from the guy I asked to cover for me tomorrow. Then I can sleep for 3 days.

Why is it I get sick at the most inconvenient of times? Of course this had to hit tonight of all nights. I had to get sick on a weekend that there was a party going on�

I think my body hates me.

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