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2003-03-25 - 12:58 p.m.
the snot chronicles, chapter 4... the end

So the fever finally passed, thank goodness. I still feel raw inside� every intake of breath is met with that harsh, sickly feeling inside my lungs� but I do feel much better. Really. Not being sarcastic, I do feel much better than I did. A few things helped�

I got a couple really sweet get-well email cards from the girlies. That cheered me up big-time. Made me leak a few tears, I was touched.

I slept on the couch a lot, cuddled up with the dog. He�s warm and fuzzy and very comforting. Watched lousy movies on TV� I learned that Adam Sandler is generally not funny. Too much toilet humour, not enough wit. I also learned that Christopher Walken scares me more when he has grey hair. I don�t know why, he�s kind of spooky in general� but the grey hair reminds me of someone or something I can�t place, and it�s unnerving.

I drank a lot of orange juice and copious amounts of tea, and took cold relief tablets and started on a Steinbeck novel I hadn�t read before. East Of Eden. Sat out on the patio wrapped in a shawl and a blanket, reading the book, listening to Billy Bragg on my MP3 player and letting the sun shine on my sickly little self.

So while I am not all better, I am at least mending and I think by looking after myself I have managed to prevent it from settling in and making itself a nice home in my lower respiratory tract. My sinuses are still full of nastiness, but the dripping has stopped. I am still taking more of my relief meds than usual, but it�s down to half of what it was yesterday. So I�m coming along.

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