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2003-05-13 - 3:10 a.m.
Childhood Trauma

Elizabeth Bathory
You're a historical vampire! You'd fit in with the
likes of Vlad the Impaler, or Elizabeth
Bathory, famous for bathing in the blood of
virgins to keep her young. Nobody can prove
that you are a vampire - but with hobbies like
torture and spitting people on spikes, you're
scary enough to start some MAJOR rumours.

What type of Vampire are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Somehow, that surprises me little.

I got my shopping done, and I spent a little more than I had intended, but I really really needed some new clothes. Not only with my trip, but with summer coming up. I was really short of nice shirts and I only had one nice pair of jeans and one okay pair of jeans. The things I got today will help stretch my wardrobe considerably. And they are so cute!

See, that�s a big deal to me. When I was a kid, my mom shopped at BiWay to get our clothes for school. We never had any cool jeans or trendy stuff. We got BiWay sale items, purchased a size or two large so we wouldn�t grow out of them too fast. That is, if we were lucky. Lots of times we got Salvation Army clothes. Now, that in itself isn�t that big a problem. I still shop at thrift stores, you can get some great bargains and it�s far better than having used items end up in a landfill. The problem was that there was only one thrift store in town, and it was a small town. It was inevitable that eventually� someone was going to recognize something I was wearing as something his/her mom donated. Can you imagine how embarrassing that was?

I have that pretty high on my childhood trauma list, right up there with my parents lying to me and telling me my lost kitten had found her way home when she�d really been hit by a car- that wasn�t my kitten, that was a new kitten! I also put the lady at Sunday School telling me that I am going to Hell for asking the questions I did up there. Other childhood traumas include:

The Teacher who Hated Me.

Getting a 3-Headed Doll for my Birthday.

Being the only 7-Year Old with Glasses and Asthma (Lord of the Flies, anyone?).

Having to Pee While There�s A Drunk Guy covered in Vomit Passed out in the Bathtub.

Seeing Ghosts.

Heh. Everybody�s got at least one major Childhood Trauma.

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