Listening To:Falling Further In... the October Priject

Reading:The Body Politic... Clive Barker

Wishing:Mr. Frostee Freeze ice cream

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2003-07-22 - 6:37 p.m.
bananas and mucous

I�m starting to wonder if there�s only two people with banner ads running. I like the banners that run across the Diaryland member pages, but I get ticked when I click five of them and three in a row take me to this chick�s diary. 3 out of 5. That�s SIXTY PERCENT of all the banners I just clicked on going to the same person�s diary. The other two both took me to this one making up the other 40%. I�m still waiting for mine to either be approved or rejected, but I think it�ll be a good thing. I�m sure I can�t be the only one tired of the same diary over and over.

I hate bananas. They�re probably the only fruit I just will not eat. They taste like fruit-scented wax. Terribly smooshy texture, like a half-melted candle. How nasty. I�ve been known to eat banana bread, or banana Popsicles, or even banana muffins� just don�t ask me to eat an actual banana. No matter how amusingly phallic they are, or how cheerful a colour, or how nutritious, I will not eat one.

I also have an aversion to any food resembling mucous. Venetian cr�me, custard, stuff like that. Snot fill. Why anyone would even think to make a dessert resembling bodily secretions, I have no idea� but somebody did it.

I�m going to create a �coffee-slingers� diaryring, I think. It�ll be open to any/all people who sling java for a living. Can�t be too hard to do.

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