Listening To:How Can I Keep From Singing... Enya

Reading:The Joy Luck Club... Amy Tan

Wishing:That people would bloody well leave me alone when I'm working.

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2003-07-24 - 3:03 a.m.
peanut butter cookies! leave me alone, damnit

I was reading the local newspaper today and I found a recipe for peanut butter cookies that I thought was interesting. I felt the need to scan it and share it with all of you because it was such an interesting recipe.

Now, it might just be me� but when you make cookies, don�t you usually put flour in them? And baking soda, and vanilla, and other such things? I think if I made those the way the recipe actually dictates, I�d get a hard-in-places-goopy-in-others greasy mess. Yuck.

I spent a good part of this evening on my hands and knees scrubbing with a small vegetable brush in between the floor tiles at work. I don�t mind the work itself so much- it�s kind of satisfying to clean something and see a visible difference when you finish. Even the physical fatigue isn�t too bad- at least when I get home I am assured that I�ll be tired enough to sleep well through the night. No, what ticks me off is the constant idiotic comments by the customers who come in and see me at my task.

�oh, did you and the boss have a fight?�

No, sometimes these things just have to be done.

�want to come and do that at MY house when you�re finished?�

Sure, you want to pay me the same these people do?

�shouldn�t you get someone else to do that?�

Yeah, it�ll be really easy to motivate my crew to do their share of the rough jobs if I slack off and don�t take my turn. Just because I�m the supervisor doesn�t mean I get to just make everyone else do all the icky stuff.

Then my personal favourite�

�having fun yet?�

Gee, that�s so funny. That�s the first time I�ve heard that comment� today. God, just shut up already! Doesn�t it occur to any of these people that maybe I�d just like to be left alone to finish the humiliating and somewhat backbreaking task I have before me? I don�t mind doing it so much, I do mind being harassed as I do it.

Why won't people just leave me alone and let me do my job?

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