Listening To:Take Me As I Am... the October Project

Reading:Hearts in Atlantis... Stephen King

Wishing:for chocolate. lots of chocolate.

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2003-08-01 - 1:02 a.m.
are you sure there are no more cookies?

I took the �should you quit your job?� quiz and this is what it said. I know Portia and Princess and anyone else from work will chuckle most about it.

�Don't quit your job. You're happy. You probably have colleagues you can talk to, your boss probably respects you and, if not, you're empowered enough not to care about that. You enjoy what you do most of the time. Sure, you have bad days, but who doesn't? If you have a problem today, you'll get over it this weekend.�

Somehow that didn�t surprise me. I have said pretty much the same thing before myself.

Tonight we had some idiot who thought we were withholding cookies from him. I told him at least 6 times that we were out of cookies, and he kept asking. �Are you sure that you don�t have any more cookies? How about back there? Any back there? Are you sure you don�t have any more?�

I found myself biting my lip in order to curb the snotty responses that were on my lips. I wanted so bad to launch into a real tirade about stupid people who think we deliberately hide secret baked goods in secluded areas of the store. That�s almost as good as the legendary �secret pot of bad coffee� that we keep on hand. It�s horribly stale and full of old grinds, and we give it to people we don�t like. There�s also the �secret pot of good coffee� that�s wonderful, and very fresh� and we keep it for ourselves.

Damn. Don�t I wish sometimes that we could get away with deliberately giving sh*tty coffee to some of the rude people who we have to serve with a smile. When they come in, I smile until my face hurts. If I smile until my face hurts, I don�t say the snide yet witty responses that invariably arise. I should look into a job in hostage negotiation- I�ve probably learned enough diplomacy and self-restraint over the last three and a half years to pull it off.

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