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2003-07-30 - 1:25 a.m.
McArabia, complete with Arab Sauce!

I feel better about things today that I have in weeks. Still, I know I have much to do and all my troubles will not be magically fixified overnight. The bulk of the issues I have to deal with will take a little time do deal with, but I spent much of yesterday formulating a plan and a good part of today getting them in place.

I was reading news articles this afternoon, and I came across this article about McDonald�s new sandwich in the Middle East.

Had I not found several more links on legitimate news sites about the same thing, I would've dismissed it as an internet joke- just like Bonsai Kitten.

To me, aside from the obvious bizarre implications of a McArabia sandwich, is the more disturbing question of its ingredients. What exactly is Arab sauce? Let�s think about this, shall we?

Tomato sauce is made of tomatoes. Chocolate sauce is made of chocolate.

The implications are certainly frightening. As if there aren�t enough human rights abuses in the world, without a major fast-food outlet going to third-world countries and encouraging cannibalism.

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