Listening To:none, it's 7am and i'm leaving

Reading:Tom Jones by Henry Fielding

Wishing:a day of rest to stay home with Oscar

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2003-08-06 - 6:34 a.m.
5am! whee!

Yesterday was one of the most difficult and trying days I�ve ever had at work. I was in for 5am, which is fun to begin with� I�m used to going to bed around 1:30am, so you can see how getting up at that hour might be a little out of the ordinary. I took the coldest shower I could stand in order to shock myself alert before I left the house. Oscar was not happy about being forced out of bed to go for walkies at that hour, either. I�m sure he�ll have something to say about it later. Got dressed, scrambled down there and got started� which was fun because I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. I�ve never done that shift before and I�d only actually done half the things I was supposed to do. Luckily, there were people there who knew what was supposed to happen when, and I looked to them for a little help. �Course, the boss would have known that, this whole thing was supposed to be a learning experience for me.

I just love having a learning experience before dawn.

Actually, that part wasn�t so bad. I managed to finish pretty much everything needing attention before 8am.

The worst came later, and it isn�t something that I can talk about here� it�ll be in my private folder later for those of you with access to it. I don�t feel it�s something I can really discuss in public, but I do feel the need to write it out and express how the experience made me feel. If I haven�t given you access to my private folder and you think you should have it� email me and I�ll either give it to you or tell you why you can�t have it.

I�m leaving for work� now. Right now. See you later.

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