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2003-08-07 - 2:01 p.m.
2 things NOT to say to an angry girl

I very nearly threw a double chocolate delight cake at the wall. I wanted to. I really wanted to. It was very frustrating for me, I was icing the cake and the icing was too thick, and it was peeling the top layer off the cake as I iced it� and it was brutally early and I was tired and just recovering from some kind of food poisoning involving repeated trips to the bathroom� and pms-ing as well� and I was biting my lip and taking a deep breath when the guy said to me �calm down�. I then walked away, rather than have my anger at the cake transfer to him.

Now, there are two things a guy should never say to an angry girl. The second worst thing to say to an angry girl is �calm down�. This just makes us more agitated. It will have the opposite of the desired effect.

But the worst, I repeat, the worst thing to ever say to an angry girl is�

�are you on your period?�

Guys, we shouldn�t even have to tell you this.

We can not help the fact that when we get our periods we become a little irritable. Think about it- our hormones are all fluctuating and wacky, and it�s not the nicest physical sensation, either. It�s messy, and pads are uncomfortable� tampons marginally better. We get bloated and cramp up, we get pimples, and we sleep poorly. Not to mention that whole bleeding from our private parts thing. We can�t help being a bit bitchy sometimes.


Blaming every angry outburst on that really, really pisses us off. We can be angry and not be on our periods. If we�re mad because you did something stupid, blaming our menstrual cycles for something you did will make us angrier. It will actually piss us off more if we actually happen to be on our periods.

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