Listening To:nothing... i am going to bed

Reading:Hearts in Atlantis... Stephen Kind

Wishing:my cold to go away overnight

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2003-08-13 - 1:53 a.m.
the Snot Chronicles chapter 4... Return of the Snot

I feel like garbage.

I felt okay earlier, only a little sneezy. Not too bad, but I did have the sniffles� I attributed it to allergies.

Unfortunately, I know differently now. I�ve got one of those dreaded summer colds. I have a headache, I have been sleeping on and off all day, and my sinuses feel like they are stuffed with cotton balls soaked in carbolic acid. I am dripping snot and my neck feels tender and swollen. I am having more trouble with my asthma than I have had since March. I just hope I can kick it before it develops into pneumonia or something. That�s what scares me. After the respirologist telling me that I�m finally stable and pretty much okay, I really do not want to get a bad respiratory infection and have it set me back to the way it was before. I know it can happen, and I am terrified.

I have to go to work tomorrow, unless I can find some kind person who will cover for me. I�m going to bed now. Maybe I�ll be fortunate and the snot gods will have mercy on me, and I�ll feel okay after some sleep.

Maybe Gary Coleman will become governor of California, too.

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