Listening To:the theme to the Great Escape, my brother's watching it in the background

Reading:just finishing Hearts in Atlantis

Wishing:my flu/cold to go away

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2003-08-14 - 2:01 p.m.
Snot Revisited

I feel marginally better than I did yesterday. I slept over 12 hours last night, can you believe it? Didn�t really eat much to speak of, just occasionally had a few crackers and drank lots of juice. I know I went through two cans of orange juice and probably about a litre of Canada Dry- I think all I did yesterday was sleep and pee. I did have some time awake, I lay on the couch watching special features on my Schoolhouse Rock DVD with Oscar. Didn�t have the attention span to even watch a whole movie.

Today I don�t have the fever any more, and my throat hurts a little less� but my nose is still dripping and my sinuses hurt. My throat hurts too, but it isn�t as swollen as yesterday and it doesn�t hurt as much to talk. I still feel a little queasy and just tired and crummy in general. I think I�m okay to be at work today, although if I can sneak out early it would probably be the good, healthy thing for me. I do have things to do there that should be done, but quite honestly I still feel like garbage, and I think I can finish most of it in the first few hours. My asthma is bothering me too, as it always does when I get any sort of cold or virus- it�s not at a dangerous point, but it is somewhat uncomfortable and I do see the difference.

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