Listening To:Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da... the Beatles

Reading:Black House... Stephen King and Peter Straub

Wishing:Portia not to move away :'(

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2003-08-23 - 3:06 a.m.
a little piece of paper

I took the Emode Are You an Open Book test, and this is what it had to say about me.

�Who wants to hide behind a thick cover? Most of the time you prefer to express yourself and tell people just how you feel. That's not to say that everything is open material. Your answers indicate that some chapters are off-limits. Maybe you'll open up to some close acquaintances -- but other feelings stay wrapped up tight among your emotional private papers. People with similar scores are generally sociable, warm, and dependable. But they also clearly acknowledge some room for improvement in their personal relationships.�

I guess that sounds about right.

I have to apologize to you all for not updating more this week. It�s been kind of a busy one with work and all� the last two days have been 10 hours+ each, and it�s been constant interviews and reference checks (Portia is moving on and all, I need people to fill in the gaps) , drunks who got their Welfare checks early, and snotty teenagers with nothing better to do on a Friday night but get stoned on glue and come in to buy multiple muffins. It�s been one of the most eventful weeks ever, and I have learned a lot and I think I am coming out ahead of the game for the first time in ages.

Sometimes I think I can actually do this! I start school again on Sept 7th, and it will be a huge, big deal. It�ll be a lot for me to do, because I already have a great deal of work to do at my job, but it�ll be worth it. I�m looking forward to meeting new people and learning new skills� and by the end of next spring, I�ll have a little piece of paper from the provincial government that says I have invaluable management skills. Whee! What I�m going to do with said certificate, I have no clue at this point. First things first� get the piece of paper, then decide what to do with

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