Listening To:nothing, in a hurry

Reading:nothing, in a hurry

Wishing:for a printer that just works, damnit!

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2003-10-08 - 2:21 p.m.
Boobiethon! Baring Boobies for Charity!

I joined the 2nd Annual Blogger Boobiethon. Yes, pictures of my cleavage are now on the net. I never thought this day would come to pass� but it�s for charity. I would never just bare the boobies for just anything� but for a good cause, I�ll flaunt �em. Ask any girl if she would be willing to anonymously bare her goodies to raise money for breast cancer, and most of them will say �sure!� You can click that little button there (which I will put in all of my entries until the boobiethon ends) to go to the site. See if you can guess which ones are mine!

Nothing much else has been happening� I have a fair bit of homework, and I have a fair bit of work to do for my actual job, but other than that, I haven�t been too muchly occupied. Been playing a lot of online Canasta and just being lazy when I�ve been home. I still haven�t managed to get my printer issues fixed up, and I�m starting to worry. What if I can�t get this fixed before my presentation is due? I refuse to freak out, I�ll figure something out.

Got to run, I have 20 minutes to get my butt to work.

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