Listening To:my Canadiana playlist

Reading:too stressed to read

Wishing:for Oscar to be okay

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2003-10-14 - 1:59 p.m.
Oscar has a cough

My poor baby Oscar�s had a cough all week. I�m terribly worried about him. I�ve made a vet appointment for my first day off, and while I would just as soon not spend my day dragging him there and listening to him grumble every time another animal goes by, I have to look after my little guy. Oscar�s my bestest friend in the world and I don�t want this to get serious. He was due for a checkup anyway, I just wish it came at a time when I had a little more money. If he needs medication and the visit costs more than I expect, I might not be able to register for the next course I want to take at the college. It sucks to have to make that kind of decision, which really isn�t any decision at all. I could never choose to neglect my best friend�s health. One way or the other, I will find a way to do what I have to do. I can be pretty resourceful if pressed into it, and it wouldn�t be the first time I�ve had to scramble in order to meet a deadline.

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