Listening To:Fallen... Evanescence

Reading:Lord Foul's Bane... Stephen Donaldson... someday I'll finish it

Wishing:for the computer to not crash every 3rd time I turn it on

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2003-10-17 - 4:58 p.m.
survey says!

Most boys name their penises. That seemed pretty odd to me, until I started thinking� most girls I know have a toy or two, and most girls I know have a name for that toy. If I think it�s completely normal to call my toy by name, is it so odd for a guy to call his by name? So, in keeping with that frame of thought� I created my first survey. You can fill it out by clicking here. I�m really very curious as to what the most common names for our little friends are.

I had the most fantastic, wonderful, happy day at work. I got a lovely card and phone call from Princess for National Boss Day (yes, it�s a real holiday). Made me feel appreciated. In honour of the occasion, the rest of the crew and I gave the new boss a bunch of flowers and a card, just to let her know we appreciate the massive effort she�s been putting in and everything she�s been doing on our behalf. I also started a new girl in to work, and she did marvellously well. It�s her first job, she�s rather young. I�m really glad to be a part of that. I remember my first job, and how much I learned there. One of the most rewarding things about my job is being allowed to give people a chance to start out in the workforce. I love training someone new and watching them gain confidence and come into their own. When the end of the day rolls around and I see someone I brought in to work working confidently and competently on their own� I feel so proud of them and proud of myself. That�s what makes my job worth it. That�s why, even though I could probably make more money in another line of work, I am happy to be where I am. Money isn�t everything, and I�m doing okay. I like my job and the people I work with, I have a nice place to live and my bills are paid, people who love me and a little dog who�s completely devoted to me. Is there much more I can really ask for?

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