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Wishing:not to throw up for 2 days when I get my flu shot

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Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - 2:13 a.m.
damn flu

Okay, it�s official. I got flu. I have a fever and chills, a nasty cough and sniffles. Was up and running to the bathroom every fifteen minutes.


Damn, of course this would happen. 4 days before I am supposed to get my flu shot, I get the flu. I slept until one, and while I still feel� a little gross� I�m pretty sure it�s passed. I managed to go through my whole night of work without having to race to the bathroom more than once� I don�t even think anyone noticed I felt kind of barfy. Towards the end of the evening I felt almost okay.

Damn flu. It�s been through everyone in the place.

I�ve been watching Happy Tree Friends episodes. They make me laugh manaically, while making me feel physically ill at the same time. WARNING! Don�t click that link if you hate senseless, needless, gory violence to sickeningly cute characters.

I�ve got a nifty plan that I�ll write about tomorrow. I�m going to bed now, because I still feel a little punked out and could use the rest.

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