Listening To:The Bewlay Brothers... David Bowie

Reading:The Masterharper of Pern... Anne McCaffrey

Wishing:to feel less pukey

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Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 - 1:09 p.m.
Barfiness Abounds

I still feel barfy. I think I�ll probably feel better once I get to work and I�m actually busy and moving around and such, but� ew. I hate the sickly gross feeling I have.

I�ve been popping extra Vitamin C, to boost my immune system. Did you ever notice that if you take extra vitamins, your pee becomes really yellow? I mean, it practically glows in the dark.

All I have to do is get through tonight, and like I said� I�ll probably feel better once I get there and start moving� and then I have three days to lie on the couch and feel as rotten as I please. I can lie there and barf for three days if I so choose.

Not that it seems likely I�d choose to vomit for three days, but I do know that with getting my flu shot tomorrow I will likely be doing exactly that. Nasty.

I�m off to lie down for a half hour before I have to go in. I do still intend to write about my clever plan, but I just feel so icky right now. I�m fully not in the mood.

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