Listening To:my new Christmas CD

Reading:Masterharper of Pern... Anne McCaffrey

Wishing:to feel less pukey

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Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 - 1:25 p.m.

I feel kind of pukey, but not too bad. Certainly not as gross as I did last year. My arm is a tad swollen where I got the shot, and I�m tired, but I feel mostly okay. I ran a bunch of errands yesterday morning before I had my lovely injection, and I did some painting this afternoon when I got home. I only threw up once, which was pretty good, all things considered. I slept a long time, and didn�t wake up at all.

I didn�t do much else, so there isn�t much to write about. Sorry. I guess that means I should post quiz results.

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I�m glad I feel mostly okay, though. I�m going to help my aunt move today, and I couldn�t if I was throwing up.

When I was running my errands yesterday, I did pick up a new agenda for the new year. It�s so cute, and refillable! A good planner is something I must have now, since I have a lot more appointments and notes to take than I used to. And while I must be professional in conduct and appearance, is there any law that states �thou shalt not have an incredibly cute day planner�? It has a miniature schnauzer on it, and cute little pictures of dogs inside. I got a matching mechanical pencil, takes standard refills. Will show a pic of it later.

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