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Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003 - 6:55 p.m.
Bone-Crunching Violence is not suitable for Children

I bought the Happy Tree Friends DVDs from Music World. In the children�s section, no less!!!

It was amusing, I couldn�t find the discs anywhere, so I asked at the counter. When the cashier told me they had it, and to look in the children�s section, I cracked right up. I told him �Perhaps you should move them to a different section, these cartoons are not for kids.� To which he responded �Really? We can�t�, he said. �That�s where head office has it in their catalogue.�

�Well, you might just want to let them in on that info next time they stop in. It could be problematic for you if someone were to buy it for a little kid."

I�m such a sh*t disturber. I just sent the following email to their head office.

"Dear Sir/Madam:

I recently purchased two DVDs from your location in (insert location here). These movies were the Happy Tree Friends, volumes one and two. When I inquired at the counter about these films because I was having trouble finding them in your store, I was instructed to look in the children�s section.

This shocked and horrified me a great deal. Happy Tree Friends, while very entertaining, are not suitable for children in any way. Imagine the mayhem and violence of Itchy and Scratchy, only with ten times more gore and cuter cartoon characters. The following are quotes from reviews of these movies on

�Sickeningly sweet. Viciously violent. Gruesomely great!

Take the cutest, most sweet creatures on the planet. Put them on a roundabout. Watch them die horrible deaths. Laugh. Wonder if you're a psychopath. Don't worry about it.�


The basic premise of this cartoon revolves round a bunch of sickeningly cute fluffy-wuffy animals that die in ways which are sickening in quite a different context.

It is even worse than the abominable "Ren and Stimpy."

The basic plot of an episode: Fluffy-wuffy little mammal runs around after some high-pitched, tuneless theme music. Said Fluffy Wuffy mammal gets sickeningly mutilated.�

�The Real Shock & Awe with a Twist!!

The concept behind HTFs is brilliant! Take the cutest and most innocent cartoon characters and put them to a most shocking, brutal and gory death. The shock value alone is a 10!! The animation is nicely done and the character design is superb. Just make sure your children don't watch this...While I have to agree with a prior reviewer about the extreme shortness of the actual DVD running time, you're paying for the concept. HTFs are huge hit...It's really fun!!�

If the big 14+ sticker on the back was not enough, perhaps the title �First Blood� and the picture of a cute bunny sticking a fork into an electric socket might hint that this is not a fitting movie for children. There�s also the caption on the front, �Over 2 hours of bone-crushing material�. If there is still any doubt as to the cartoons� unsuitability for a younger audience, you can visit their website at and watch a few episodes.

When I purchased the discs, I mentioned to your staff there that it was not a children�s cartoon and in fact, disturbingly violent. They told me that since you had it listed in your catalogue as a children�s item, they could not move them to a different section. Perhaps you should rethink where this particular item is displayed before an unsuspecting parent buys it for their three-year-old as a Christmas gift.

Yours, Vego"

Be interesting to see what sort of reaction I get from that.

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