Listening To:nothing yet, going to put something on while i get dressed

Reading:... i have nothing to read! i finished Wolves of the Calla already

Wishing:for something to read, and for help for our city's overcrowded hospitals

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Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 - 12:55 p.m.
the 2nd level of Hell

I know, I know.

I�ve been bad and not updating, but really� the holidays are so hectic, and I�ve been sick, too. On top of that, add in working right through to Christmas eve and back on the 27th� but I didn�t want to end the year without adding at least one entry.

I figure right now, I should write about the dream I had last night. It was funny on so many levels- it had elements of �funny haha�, as well as �funny strange�.

When I get home tonight, remind me I have to write about my holidays, okay? But in the meantime� I want to write about my dream. Seems Beaupeep wasn�t the only one having an active REM sleep.

I dreamt I was at work, and there was this door leading into a basement boiler room. Now, Portia will know that�s a bit odd in itself, since the place has no such basement. Let me just explain that in the dream, it made perfect sense and seemed to have been there all along.

Anyway, we opened up the door to check on the boiler because all of a sudden it was way too hot in the store, and the door no longer led to the boiler room, but to the 2nd level of Hell!!!

Everyone was angry and upset, and they all blamed it on the old boss and said it was his fault.

I remember saying �Oh, he did some pretty dumb things, but he couldn�t have been responsible for something like this!�

Then I woke up.

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