Listening To:auld Lang Syne on the TV in background

Reading:just online news services

Wishing:for a Happy New Year!

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Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004 - 1:37 a.m.
2004! woohoo!

Okay, so I knew that the second level of Hell had some significance for me, and went back among my diary entries to discover what it was. As it turns out, that�s where the Dante�s Inferno Test that I took said I am going. Right.

Too damned funny.

On an entirely different subject�

Oscar helped me ring in the new year.

He wasn�t really happy about wearing the glasses, but I told him it was only for a minute so I could take a cute picture.

I realized I was out of wine to toast the New Year with� so I got out my wine glass, some Welch�s grape juice and a healthy dollop of Smirnoff�s (once again breaking my �no vodka� rule) and stirred it around. Hey, it was boozy and looked kinda like wine. Had to have something for midnight, didn�t I?

I know I promised to write about my holidays, but I am half drunk and very tired, and I have work in less than 7 hours so must go to bed.

Night all, and Happy New Year.

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