Listening To:Time in a Bottle... Jim Croce

Reading:don't ask

Wishing:for results, damnnit!

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Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004 - 2:29 p.m.
Oscar's new Boots

I�m very tired today. I don�t seem to be sleeping all that well... I don�t know if it is stress or diet, or what. Last night I went to bed my usual time and spent several hours staring at the ceiling� this morning, slept right through my alarm clock and went beyond the time I had wanted to get up by several hours. Thank God for Oscar. He bullied me out of bed so I wouldn�t be late. Still, don�t have time to do half of what I wanted to. No breakfast again, just pop a piece of toast, write a quick update and down a cup of coffee, and eat an apple on the way to work.

I�m so results-oriented. If I am working on something, I want to see progress, damn it! That�s just how I am, I don�t necessarily have to immediately attain the end result, but I would like to see some results. Maybe I need to step things up a bit- I discovered this week that a local gym will offer a discounted membership to anyone from my workplace, and I have tomorrow off. That being the case, I think I will make my way on down there tomorrow, and check the place out. I had thought I couldn�t afford a gym membership, so this is a good opportunity to take advantage of. I am really hoping it makes a difference, I get so discouraged when I don�t see any changes.

As an aside, Oscar wore his new boots for the first time yesterday, and he didn�t seem to mind them too much.

Now he just needs a blue coat to match.

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