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Wednesday, Jan. 07, 2004 - 2:36 p.m.
Webcam Pics Eponine

I�d like to know how Portia can French kiss Chou-Chou and only end up with 28% Horny on that quiz. I hardly did anything naughty and ended up with 65.5%.

Continuing to be good. I was sorely tempted by cookies coming out of the oven last night at work, but I restrained myself and drank half a bottle of water instead. Having healthy lowfat soup for lunch, but bad little me kind of skipped breakfast. (I slept in- too much time at the computer writing part 3 of my naughty little story.)

This kills me. I love my stats tracker. Apparently, I am the number one search result for �Webcam Pics Eponine�.

My first thought was... "Who on earth would want to search for webcam pics from a deceased work of fiction?" The funniest part is that when I clicked on the referring page, I came across this page. Damn, am I ever glad to see I�m not the only one who thinks this way, and that I�m not the only weblog that gets hits in from odd search requests.

I work with crazy people. Last night, I was quietly taking my break and drinking the aforementioned bottle of water, when I heard loud singing coming from the customer service area. I knew it was my girls acting ridiculous, and I tried to ignore them, but they can be difficult to ignore. I thought perhaps if I pretended I didn�t hear it, it would go away.

No such luck. Next thing I knew, there was a sing-along coming over the headset. I guess they didn�t like being ignored. I come out front, I look around, they crack up, I go back to drinking my water.

There. That was thrilling.

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