Listening To:80's playlist

Reading:The Renegades of Pern... Anne McCaffrey, the puff pasty chef of Sci-Fi

Wishing:... it's a secret.

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Monday, Jan. 12, 2004 - 1:51 a.m.
i'm an apple

Ooooo healthy! You're an apple!
What Snack Food are You? (With Cool Pics!!)

brought to you by Quizilla

Not that often that Portia and I end up with the same results to a quiz. She usually gets the pure-of-heart answers and I get ones that make me look like some kind of deviant.

Like this one, I stole it from Beaupeep �s diary. I think something is seriously wrong with this test result. It depressed me to no end.

Today was nice, had my dad over for dinner and I watched some of the worst movie ever made with Oscar. Oscar doesn�t care that the movie is terrible, he�s just happy to cuddle with me. Lucky me, the boss doggy lets me watch whatever I want.

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