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Reading:puff pastry sci-fi

Wishing:to get this crap off my system

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Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2004 - 12:18 p.m.
Free Porn! Click Here!

Any man you know that is home by himself, is probably watching porn. If he�s a man with a computer and he�s home by himself, he�s looking at free porn websites. If he has a VCR, then he�s watching a video, or if not, he�s reading (poorly spelled) dirty magazines. ( Having perused a past boyfriend�s collections, I always wondered why they bothered to pay an editor- there were so many spelling and grammatical errors, it hurt my brain to look at it. Maybe they figure it doesn�t matter, since no-one really buys it �just for the articles� anyway.)

On a related note, if you have a close girlfriend and the two of you are out of his sight, he will automatically assume/fantasize that you�re having lesbian sex. He might say things to you like� �what if you�re doing each other�s hair, and you lean in too far and touch her breast and like it, and then you keep going and end up naked?� Even if he doesn�t ask you this question, he�s thinking it.

W.O.V. swears up and down that he wasn�t using the computer last night, but all the porn links are back, and my homepage has been hijacked again. This tells me that I must have some spyware on here somewhere that Spybot missed. Which means I have the choice of either searching the computer again manually, or installing a 2nd program to check. Either way is going to be a royal pain in the *ss.

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