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Friday, Jan. 16, 2004 - 10:14 p.m.
Ode to My Toaster... with visuals

I have an amazing toaster. It not only toasts perfectly every time (which, any connoisseur of toast can tell you, is a feat in itself), but it�s cool!

I know, that sounds absurd. Who ever heard of a cool toaster? But I assure you, it is no less than the truth.

You can see right through the sides and watch it toast. Look!

First you put your bread in.

When you push the button, it preheats the elements, then lowers the bread into the toaster.

Finally, it will raise the finished toast up for you to grasp and spread with whatever your sordid little heart desires.

Now, am I wrong, or is that one kick *ss toaster?

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