Listening To:Songs From the Woods... Jethro Tull

Reading:The Renegades of Pern... Anne McCaffrey

Wishing:for a good night's sleep

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Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004 - 11:31 p.m.
i can't handle booze, and little dogs in tacky clothes

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I�m more than half drunk.

I just can�t seem to handle booze any more. I�ve had one glass of wine and I�m well into a second, and after I finish it (and my entry) I will go to bed. Oscar probably wants to cuddle, anyway.

I just had kind of a semi-stressful day and wanted to relax before bed- last night I spent several hours counting the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. I know I fell asleep eventually, but it was one of those mornings where I felt like I had only just closed my eyes before the alarm rang. So tonight� I have 2 glasses of wine to mellow me, and I should sleep soundly. So it�s just as well that I can�t handle much alcohol. It doesn�t take long for me to reach the mellow stage.

My MP3 player died. I don�t know why, only that I think it deserves a decent burial. I think I might inter it in the wastebasket tomorrow, but right now we�re having a visitation and it�s lying in eternal repose on my bookshelf. It�s so hard to lose a patient! You try and try, and eventually� there are some you just can�t save.

Sucks, though� I can�t exactly afford a new one right now. Eventually, eventually. I tell myself that in time, I will have my house, and while I might never be rich, I will have enough for the occasional toy. In the meantime� there are more important things than an MP3 player. I�ll probably just pick up one of those cheap CD-walkmans like I got the kids for Christmas. I can shell out 20$ for something like that, and it�ll keep me walking with something suitably cheerful on my journeys in the meantime.

Played games and chattered with Portia tonight, which cheered me up a great deal. I�ve really missed her and having a girlfriend in the area I can yak to about every little thing. It was neat to hear more about the things she�s learning about in school.

Is it just me that thinks putting a little dog in tough-looking clothing is tacky and ridiculous? I mean, I can�t imagine Oscar in one of those spiked collars. When I see a Chihuahua in a leather jacket, I think� dear God, the poor thing. Little dogs get to wear cute things, big dogs get to wear practical and tough things. A German Shepherd or a Doberman can pull off a leather jacket, but can�t be dressed in a hand-knitted sweater without looking ridiculous. . A miniature schnauzer or toy poodle can wear a sweater.

Okay, enough babbling� it is bedtime.

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