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Sunday, May. 23, 2004 - 12:07 a.m.
They're Always After Me Lucky Charms!

Whatever happened to Lucky Charms?

I remember when Lucky Charms had five different marshmallow shapes.

Pink hearts, yellow moons, blue diamonds, orange stars and green clovers.

Now the green clovers, so integral a part of a leprechaun's cereal, are gone. There's this thing, i think it's supposed to be a green hat, with a green clover in the middle.

No more orange stars. There's this oddly phallic white and orange rocket shape.

No more yellow moons or blue diamonds. There's a blue moon, and this undefineable yellow-orange thing.

There are purple horseshoes, and a big goofy rainbow. The only original shape that remains is the pink heart.

When did Lucky Charms become so gay? And i don't mean gay the way grade-school children say "oh, that's gay!". i mean homosexual. That leprechaun is a little light in the buckle shoes, and look at the damn marshmallows! A phallic rocket, pink hearts, purple horseshoes and a RAINBOW?

Then the leprechaun is always hanging around these kids. So he's also a pedophile.

When you go to the bathroom in the morning, your poop is green.

Why do people let their kids eat this stuff?

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