Listening To:Godspell Soundtrack

Reading:Interview with the Vampire... Anne Rice

Wishing:for the fog to lift...

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Wednesday, May. 26, 2004 - 1:55 p.m.
Supergirl underwear and Rainbow Toe Socks

Paid the phone and cable bills today, have remarkably little left to last me until next paycheque. i saved enough to be able to go out Saturday night if i felt so inclined, but it'll likely end up being used for something practical. Damn, i am boring lately.

i'm still in a bit of a mood. i'm going to wear my fun new panties today- that might cheer me up a bit. Do i want to wear the Supergirl ones, or the ones with a picture of Chinese food and the caption "TAKE OUT"?

Decisions, decisions.

i think i'll go with Supergirl. And my rainbow toe socks. Hard to be in a cruddy mood when wearing superhero underwear and rainbow toe socks.

Much as i would like to sit here and ramble about stuff that's ticking me off, i had better get my uniform on and get walking. Besides, a bit of a walk with Oscar always fixes me up.

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