Listening To:Oscar snoring

Reading:Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

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Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 7:21 p.m.
a Trading Card!

*Second Edition*
Diaryland Trading Card!

vego's rantspot
member since 2002-10-07
264 entries

Gold Edition

Description: 2/3 cynic, 1/3 idealist. Considers white trash to be an entirely different species from human. Has a fixation on dirty anime.

Strengths: ranting, singing torch songs in the shower, writing dirty stories, fantastically detailed memory

Weaknesses: ranting, puppies (the equivalent of Kryptonite), sleepwalking, bad temper

Turn Ons: smart men, older men, spanking and naughty games with rope

Turn Offs: rapper pants, people who dress hoochier than they can pull off, arrogance, drug use, white trash

most often heard saying:: "If stupidity were toxic, I would have dumbass poisoning by now."

Brought to you with love by Daydreamings.

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