Listening To:W.O.V watching Pulp Fiction in the background

Reading:nothing- need to pick out another book

Wishing:retroactive adoption

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Friday, Jun. 04, 2004 - 9:45 p.m.

Portia, Princess and i had an impromptu slumber party this week. They abducted me from work! i was allowed to fetch a toothbrush and a change of clothing, and that was it. We were very naughty and silly- we played Jenga with new and exciting rules. Portia tucked me in and told me a bedtime story about a schnauzer. Tell the truth, i slept better than in weeks- it was fun and i needed it!

i had my hair in cornrows all day today- last night Portia came over and we watched cartoons and she braided me up. The funniest part was watching The Daily Show with John Stewart and they did this bit about unlicensed, untrained amateur braiders and how they make unsuspecting patrons look "just retarded". The woman they interviewed was a howl- 300 hours in order to get a braiding license! Portia laughed and said she hoped she wasn't sending me to work looking retarded. Princess was annoyed when she heard we'd had a sleepover without inviting her, so i told her next time she could come and stay over by herself too. We're so grade school sometimes.

I love John Stewart. He's even sexier than Bill Maher

Tonight, i took them out and became a large puffball. Damn, but my hair is very big now. I look like a freakin' Pomeranian. i haven't decided whether or not i will keep the large 'do tomorrow or wash it out. i think if it looks okay tomorrow i'll keep it- it's ultra-80's. I listened to Tears for Fears and Cyndi Lauper all afternoon in honour of my enormous 80's hair. It looks like i spent an hour or two under the bag of Toni.

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