Listening To:Nutty Numbers and Goofy Greats

Reading:Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

Wishing:... it's a secret.

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Sunday, Jun. 06, 2004 - 11:39 p.m.
i Found Nemo!

Portia stopped by today and surprised me. She brought Iron along with her, we chatted and we all got in the car and went to Fast Eddie's.

When we got there, i discovered what happened to Nemo. Yes, Nemo has been found.

He's in the new Fast Eddie's fish sandwich.

Considering that no-one would ever eat a clownfish (wouldn't it be Haddock, or Sole?), all i can think when i see this ad is *cough*ripoff!*cough*.

i wonder if they'll get sued by Disney.

In other news, i managed to get 3 of the old 8-tracks ripped to CD. At last! So i've been listening to Goofy Greats and Nutty Numbers all afternoon. i will probably go to work singing "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" and other such nonsense.

Oh, well. They already all think i am crazy anyway.

Asked the boss if i could order a skirt. She said yes, but i have to wear nylons AND socks. My first reaction was damn, never mind then...

but then i started thinking that i could wear fun socks and people would see them. Like my stripey socks, or my Powerpuff Girl socks. As it stands, i wear fun socks and no-one sees them. The idea has a strange appeal to me.

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