Listening To:none, about to go to bed

Reading:finished Algernon, need something new to read now

Wishing:that there really was a bounty on skids.

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Tuesday, Jun. 08, 2004 - 1:35 a.m.
Bounty Hunt

There will now be a bounty on White Trash in Ontario.

For every mulleted scalp you bring in, the government will give you 50 dollars in cash.

While some cry out against this and call the bounty hunt inhumane, we must remind the public that as they have no natural predators, if left to breed unchecked we will be overrun within only a few years. By culling the flock now, we save thousands of them a lifetime of suffering and deprivation. It is out of respect for the delicate ecological balance set by nature that we have no option but to hunt White Trash.

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