Listening To:none... just sitting quietly

Reading:The Dark Half... Stephen King

Wishing:that my friends lived closer and didn't always have to go so soon.

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Thursday, Jun. 24, 2004 - 9:40 p.m.
Evil Dead the Musical and CN Tower

So my friend from England has been and gone. We had a wonderful time while he was here... which i will write about shortly. I saw him off this afternoon, and of course, as soon as he was out of sight, i had a good cry. Why the hell do so many good friends have to live so far away? Why can't they stay longer? i get feeling kind of sad after a visit. So many of the people i care about most just live too far away. Portia will be going back to B.C. soon, and Princess will be moving away to work at the end of the summer.

Enough of the moody shit. Time to tell cheerful, fun things about the visit. And show pictures!

Last night we went to the funniest play EVER.

My favourite songs were "Look Who's EVIL Now!" and "Do the Necronomicon", but i found myself singing "All the Men in My Life Keep Getting Killed By Candarian Demons" in the shower this morning.

"They say love is cruel, and I believe them.

My heart's always bro-ho-ho-ken.

Because all the men in my life keep getting killed...

by Candarian Demons."

We had excellent seats. They weren't the blood seats, but centre of 1st row balcony is still pretty excellent, and i think we could probably see better than some of the folks sitting there. Should've heard the cheers when he chopped his hand off! Well worth seeing- anyone who can make it to the show should go see it.

This picture is of my feet, and my friend's feet, standing on the glass floor of the observation deck in the CN Tower.

The reason it's a picture of my feet is because there are certain people who would never believe that i had the spine to stand on the glass floor over 17000 feet in the air.

I hardly believe i did it myself.

We did a lovely double-decker bus and boat tour of Toronto. i want to go on it again!

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