Listening To:Three Dog Night... 20th Century Classics

Reading:nothing, i need more books

Wishing:to an end to war with bathroom fixtures.

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Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004 - 12:33 a.m.
War with Bathroom Fixtures

My ongoing battle with the urinal was taken up another notch today. The plumber came, and i thought we had finally beaten the ceramic bastard. Maybe it's cheating to call in help from outside, but all's fair in love and war, right? He dumped all kinds of chemicals down there, snaked it out (finding gum, pennies, half-decomposed toilet paper and a great deal of pubic hair) and called it good.

So i thought the thing was beaten.

I could not have been more wrong.

The urinal had help from outside as well. Not only does it still not flush properly, it managed to convince some guy not to piss in it, but instead to go in every corner of the men's room like a dog marking his territory.

i might have won one battle, but i am afraid i might lose the war. The big boss told me that since head office put the bastard there, it has to stay there.

i am tempted to pay a few punks to go in and smash the thing to little ceramic bits with sledgehammers. Yes, it is conniving and unethical, but we all know passive resistance doesn't work.

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