Listening To:Mr. Bassman... unknown artist

Reading:Interview with the Vampire... Anne Rice

Wishing:something i will have to just get for myself.

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Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 - 1:43 p.m.

When i was 4 years old there was a tornado.

I remember my mother yelling at me, but mistakenly i thought she was yelling "Tomato! Tomato!" and i couldn't figure out why she was so upset about a tomato. In retrospect, i imagine she wanted to get me away from the sliding glass doors to our backyard.

I stood there, transfixed... watching the wind blow harder than i had ever seen... when the grey funnel came along and took our garden shed away. Just lifted it right up! First the roof, then the rest of it.

All things considered, i was remarkably lucky it didn't come any closer than it did. I remember the way the glass shook- but it did not break and i was unharmed.

Still, it was very frightening and watching the Wizard of On scared the Hell out of me the first time i saw it.

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