Listening To:Ape Call... Nervous Norvus

Reading:Interview with the Vampire... Anne Rice

Wishing:something secret ;)

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Monday, Jun. 14, 2004 - 8:47 a.m.
Whipped Cream and Drowned Rats

A great deal has happened over the past few days.

We had a charity fundraiser at work- i got a whole bucket of whipped cream dumped on my head in order to raise money for the children's foundation. It was very heavy and very cold.

Last night i went out with Portia to a local bar- we had a few drinks with S-duck and her pal, but that was less interesting than what happened after.

We missed Portia's bus and it started to just pour- so we decided that instead of taking two separate cabs i would just go crash at her place. There was so much water on my glasses, i couldn't see! So i took them off- and then i really couldn't see. I told Portia- "i can't see!" and she laughed... and i said "No, really! i really can't see!" When she realized it was true, she took my hand to lead me across the street... i could see headlights coming towards me... all i could think was "i'm blind and she's making me jaywalk?" But i trusted her and i got across safely, so it is okay. We were drowned rats!

When i got to her place, i called W.O.V. and told him that i was at Portia's place soaking wet and i was in my underwear, and i was staying overnight. I did not mention that it was because i was a drowned rat from the rain and that Portia had given me a T-shirt to wear to bed. Telling him it was all perfectly innocent would spoil all the fun.

I swear, men are all the same. They think that if there are two girls alone in the same room, they'll be making out within ten minutes.

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