Listening To:Nellie McKay- Get Away From Me

Reading:none, finished another novel last night

Wishing:for the dizziness to stop.

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Thursday, Jul. 01, 2004 - 1:00 p.m.
more anti-pot ranting and dizziness

Portia makes a good point.

Perhaps my anti-pot rant was a bit extreme... when these guys come in to the store, it isn't really my business what they do outside of the store, so long as they just get their stuff and leave without trouble. There are lots of other people that aren't stoned who are equally annoying, because they're naturally just jerks.

Still, they do irritate me, perhaps more than is really rational. I just look at the ways users have affected me in my life and the experiences i've had with them so far. Maybe they're not representative of most people, but it's what i've known so far.

I was assaulted by my best friend after he got into it- so not only was i damaged, but i lost someone very important to me because he changed completely. It really does break down all good sense and make people foolish. Do i think we would've remained friends if he hadn't become chronic? Probably not. Do i think it would have ended differently? Yes, i do.

i also lost a good friend who started with pot and moved on to bigger drugs. He's a heroin addict now. Don't even know if the guy would recognize me now, he's so out of it.

Then you look at a certain person who i deal with on a daily basis, who has no sense of responsibility, no work ethic, no ambition and just doesn't give a care about anyone else. i could go into more detail, but it probably not prudent to.

i could also go on and relate more stories of people i knew who had potential but turned useless when they started smoking up regularly. Can anyone really blame me for hating it with such passion?

On another note, i have been having unexplained dizzy spells. Must see dr. tomorrow. I am scared witless, diabetes runs in both sides of my family.

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