Listening To:Daylight by Coldplay on My Launchcast Station

Reading:The Innkeeper's Song... Peter S. Beagle

Wishing:for a pleasant surprise

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Tuesday, Jul. 13, 2004 - 10:00 p.m.
Waterpark and Funeral

What a busy few days I�ve had. There�s been so much going on and I just haven�t had the energy to tell. Some of it I don�t have the liberty to tell here, due to the fact that it�s secret stuff that not everyone needs to know.

Like Portia mentioned, we went to the waterpark after I had finished work on Sunday. I was exhausted and at first, I didn�t want to go very much. Portia insisted, and after we got there and got into the wave pool, I was glad to be there. My top moments were:

1) Overusing the word �variegated�.

2) Portia losing her top in the wave pool, and building her a floating change room out of our innertubes so no-one would see her making boobie adjustments.

3) Shocking Princess by checking out the cute �B-L-K� guys.

4) Throwing a bean sprout from my Chinese Take-Out dinner out the window of Princess� car and having it land on Portia�s arm.

Even better was going to get Stoney Creek Dairy ice cream after- I had my favourite, even if they screwed up my order a bit. It was supposed to have a solid chocolate topping with peanuts on my chocolate peanut butter waffle cone, but they were dumbasses and put chocolate sauce on it instead. Even so, it was still pretty good. They sell t-shirts now, I think I might go back and get one. It has always been one of my favourites, and you get a free ice cream cone when you buy the shirt! How spiffy is that?

This morning was kind of sad. I went to Nan�s funeral. Nan was my older (half) brother and sister�s grandmother, and technically no relation to me, but when she visited them she always treated me just the same as she did them, as if I were one of her own. She didn�t have to do that, it was just the kind of person she was. I feel sad that she�s gone, I had a lot of respect for the fact that she was a strong person who just did things her own way and lived her own life. She was a very strong and creative woman who ran her own businesses and still managed to always be there for her family. That�s rare and worthy of respect. I only hope to accomplish something as worthwhile.

The rest will just have to wait until I have the liberty to write about it.

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