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Saturday, Jul. 24, 2004 - 9:23 p.m.
Everything's Changed

My entire life has changed within a very few days.

I am moving- i got a new job in The Big City and i will be running the show at a new store. I have never run things all by myself before, i am terrified. I grew up in a town with 1200 people in it. Where i am moving has over 2.5 million. What a change.

Still, i cannot say i am not looking forward to the change. The idea of not continually kicking prostitutes out of the bathroom is greatly appealing to me. The money is good too- it's more than i have ever had. I will start a savings account!

I will have to commute for a month. It's going to suck- but it will buy me time to find a nice place to live where Oscar is welcome.

That will be made easier by the fact that Oscar doesn't bark any more. I got him one of those citronella-spraying collars that spritz the pup when he barks. Oscar hates it with a passion and has become much quieter as a consequence. Every time he forgets himself and barks, he looks so aggravated and shamefaced. I feel terribly guilty every time it happens, but i had to do something about it. Can't go looking for an apartment with Mr. Yappy. He's funny- he's smart enough to know what the collar does and how it works, so he's started experimenting with volume. He talks in these funny little "whuf" sounds now, rather than a full-volume BARK.

Have been too wound up over all this to really eat or sleep properly. i will be tucking myself in after i finish this entry- i must take care of myself, because i cannot become ill when starting a new life.

This whole thing has been so overwhelming. The place i've been working has been home so long, and i care very much for my co-workers and crew... and to leave behind something comfortable and safe for the big unknown of a new city, new job... i've been in tears off and on all week- i am an emotional wreck. Every time the girls at work do something wonderful, i start leaking out the sides. I think they all thought i had some sort of stomach flu for the first few days before i finally told them what was going on, the way i kept racing to the bathroom and all. Who will look out for my students the way i will when i am gone? Those kids are really special to me, i care about them a lot.

Chou-Chou is the only person i know in Toronto. i am terrified, but i know i will make new friends and i will adapt. I adapted to the things i am leaving behind, didn't i? When i got there the first day i was scared to talk to anyone or touch anything- look at me now! i am already getting used to riding the subway and getting my bearings around town. This could be a very good thing, it's just so much all at once.

I will be getting rid of TONS of stuff. Friends, family, etc... can all expect lots of freebies and hand-me-downs- anything i have not used in over a year is going to go. I figure- if i haven't used it in ayear, i obviously don't need it very much. Going to eBay a few of the more valuable things, the rest goes to whoever wants it and to charity.

I am exhausted and going to bed now... work early in the morning. It's going to be some time before i get another day off- tomorrow through wed at old job, thurs-fri training for new job, sat at old job, and sun new job again. Probably work there through until Saturday! i suppose i had better sleep while i can. I likely won't update much over next two weeks, between finishing once place and beginning another, commuting and all, so wish me luck, everyone!

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