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Sunday, Sept. 19, 2004 - 10:37 p.m.

Finally got my computer yesterday, and i am so excited to be able to update again! Hardly know where to start.

I've moved. Commuting 2 hours each way was sucking the life out of me. I was more frustrated than i had ever been and ready to explode.

Been working my butt off- 21 days consecutive and running myself into the ground again. Visit to a Toronto hospital complete with being treated like some kind of pariah because i was coughing, and being made to wear a SARS mask. I think wearing a SARS mask makes me officially a Torontonian, doesn't it? i kept telling them "It's not SARS! I have asthma damnit!"

Oscar has adapted well. He has new little friends! This is doggy paradise. There's a lovely park a 5 min walk away where i can let him off the leash. He draws an invisible circle around Mummy and spends the whole time chasing other dogs out of it.

He's so much fun. I was pretty glad for the dog park this week, though... being sick and all, to be able to take him there and let him go get his excercise rather than walk all over the place is a big relief.

There's so much more to tell, but i am exhausted. Now that i have a connection again, there will be regular updates- far more regular than before i moved. Having evening time off means i have more time to myself! Woohoo! I swear, working steady days has allowed me a far more natural existence.

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