Listening To:Nellie McKay- Get Away From Me!

Reading:none... i ache for new books

Wishing:for enough reliable staff to run the store smoothly

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Friday, Sept. 24, 2004 - 10:16 p.m.
an impromptu palmist

Today I had many interesting things happen at work. I did a few interviews- both of which were fine and I think the girls I saw might well work out for us. That�s a good thing. We need more people- I�m tired of 10-15 hour days. My constitution can�t handle it.
The toaster broke down just before lunch. Fun-wow. This is not a good thing to happen in a bagel shop. People were kind of snippy about it. On one hand, I can�t blame them. I like my bagels toasted too- but don�t take it out on the girls. Called a dozen places for repair, they all tell me �oh, we can get it looked at on Monday.� Yeah. Like that�ll help us- tomorrow is a big Jewish holiday, and we�re in a big Jewish neighborhood and we�re the only bagel shop open for miles tomorrow. We really need the toaster! I finally found one that would fix it the same day. He came, fixed it, checked out our backup toaster as well (very courteous and didn�t charge us extra for it or for the parts, so I gave him a bagel for free) and everything was fine again.
This rude old woman came in- she parked in the handicapped space first of all. Sure, she had a tag. But she walked in just fine and I doubt there was anything wrong with her. That pisses me off to start- don�t abuse a handicapped tag. If someone in your family needs the crip space, then you�re entitled to use it when they�re with you in the vehicle! Don�t use it when they stayed home. Anyway, I had the Rat Pack radio station on. You know- Sinatra and all the best of big band and swing. I asked K if she liked my radio station, and she said she did, because it was so cheerful. Well, the rude old bat pipes up then �I hate it! It�s too loud and it�s obnoxious!� Bitch. She�d been sitting there an hour with the radio on and said nothing until she heard we liked it- it was so just for the sake of being a bitch. So I smiled and asked her what she would like to listen to, because we have a selection of stations and there should be one she�d like. She gave me a dirty look- her mouth all puckered up like a cat�s bum. I don�t think she expected me to be so pleasant about it and she really looked disappointed I was nice to her- but what is she going to do? Complain I was too nice? She looked just like a California Raisin, and she sat down in her chair without offering any suggestions. I put the light classical station on and then when she left, changed it right back.
Then this funny old man came in and demanded I show him my palm, and he read it for me. He said I was sick a lot as a kid (true!) but I am healthier now (true!). He said I would soon discover, if I hadn�t already, a man who would be very important in my life and I would love with all my heart (I hope it is true!). He said I can be kind of conservative, but I love very strongly and have a kind heart. He also said I have to be careful with money, because I am too giving.
That was the high point of the evening. I am soooooo tired, I am off to bed now.

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