Listening To:Don't Give Up... Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush

Reading:Switch Bitch... Roald Dahl

Wishing:some new friends in town... been kinda lonesome

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Monday, Sept. 27, 2004 - 11:52 p.m.
stressful and possible nuisance lawsuit

Yesterday was intensely stressful. I realized I had lost my wallet and I was absolutely freaking. I hate being out of control of day-to-day things in my life- losing my ID is about the worst thing I can think of and the fastest way to make me really upset very quickly.
Never did find the damn thing. I think I must have dropped it in between here and work. Maybe I will be lucky and some kind citizen will return it to me.
Yeah, right.
W.O.V. came to my rescue. Tell you, nothing shows who your friends are faster than who comes to help you out when you�re distressed. I called up sobbing and within a few hours, he showed up. I transferred cash over the phone to his account and he brought it to me so I�d have enough to last until my new card came in the mail, since I can�t get a new card at a branch with no ID.
I bought his niece B a couple of very cute shirts- they were originally 13.99 but reduced to 1$ clearance. I did not buy her pink or purple on principle.
I think I might sue the local pharmacy. They have the perfume counter right next to the front door, so you cannot bypass it in any way to get to the prescription counter. I walked in to get medicine for my respiratory condition, and was assaulted by the odor of a hundred old lady perfumes mingling in the air. My already constricted breathing got worse and worse� I ended up waiting outside. I wrote a very polite but very angry letter to the store owner, after head office referred me to them. If I don�t get a response in a week, I�ll be calling the regional manager. I refuse to think it is acceptable for a pharmacy, where sick people go to get their health care needs fulfilled, to assault ill patrons who may have respiratory conditions with a thousand stinking perfumes the second they get in the door. I don�t have a problem with them having a perfume counter- I have a problem with not having a means around it to get to prescription counter. If the regional manager doesn�t help me, I really will call a lawyer and certainly the newspapers. This is the kind of sh*t they eat up around here.
Oscar�s been super clingy and protective since I was sick. Mind you, now that the steroids (which I hate but were unavoidable- thank God they work) have kicked in, I am doing much better. It�s funny, he draws the invisible circle around Mummy and chases all other dogs out of it. Except Rider. Rider is a very laid back mini schnauzer, and Oscar seems to feel some kinship with him. They sit on either side of me like furry German bookends. I giggle and tell all the other dog parents that "I've got all the schnauzers".
I don�t mind him chasing the other dogs. They think it�s a game, he doesn�t hurt anyone and they all have fun, and he gets his exercise. And he feels important because he protects Mummy.
I�m going to bed now. Bazillion interviews tomorrow and I am tired now that I downed my hot chocolate with brandy. Oscar says he wants a cuddle, too� so much the more reason to sleep.

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