Listening To:The fishtank running water in the background...

Reading:i'm between novels right now...

Wishing:could use some new friends...

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Monday, Jan. 24, 2005 - 9:57 p.m.
one ends, another begins...

2004 has come and gone, with all its pains and pleasures. Some things that happened last year were not so great, but I feel pretty good about the things I accomplished and all that I learned. I learned who in my life I can count on, and who I couldn�t, who really believes in me, and who is almost eager for me to fail.
These are all useful and important things to know.
I also learned more about my own capabilities and adaptability. I am also proud of myself- I found the courage to step away from what was safe but predictable and venture into something unknown.
The holidays were hectic- my Grandma W. died and I miss her and wish we�d had more time together, but I don�t feel too badly. She lived on her own and worked right until the end. She was in full possession of her wits and she went peacefully in her sleep. Grandma had a tough life, and I think� if anyone deserved a peaceful, dignified end, she did.
Oscar makes me proud. He saved the day recently! A pipe burst and he alerted us to the problem before the water could do much damage. Woke everyone up in the middle of the night- at first, I was annoyed and told him to shush up and go back to sleep. When I realized what he was doing, I felt bad. I promised him that from now on, I�d listen to him if he decided he had to tell me something at 1:30am. I actually sleep better knowing he�ll alert me if something goes wrong now.

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