Listening To:The Work Song... Nellie McKay

Reading:none, finished my book last night.

Wishing:that fishy makes it to fishy afterlife

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Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2004 - 10:45 p.m.
poor icky nasty dead fishy

There was a death in my fish family over the past few days. I think it might�ve happened when they moved the tank down here- I know I only counted three fish when they first arrived. Unknown to me, there was a fourth, and deceased, occupant in the tank.
No wonder it stank so badly.
I couldn�t figure out why it smelled so terrible when there was a big, kickass filter on the back. Well, upon closer inspection tonight, I discovered a small corpse, lodged in the filter intake.
I have had few experiences nastier than yanking the body out of the filter tube. It was really wedged in there. Thank God for rubber gloves. I had to really pull to get it out of there, and it sicked me out so badly I didn�t much want to really grasp it. After a few very disgusting failed attempts, I bit the bullet and really grabbed it. I could feel its gross little bones breaking as I pulled. Very gross.
I threw the little fishy body in the garbage, and it was followed by the rubber gloves. I couldn�t stand the idea of ever wearing them again, even to clean the toilet. They just felt too dirty. Poor fishy, I couldn�t even bring myself to give him the traditional burial at sea. He just sickened me so much, I didn�t want to put my bum down where he found his final resting place. I didn�t even say a prayer- but does God need to hear about it? I�m sure He gets bored with stuff like this. There have to be dozens of fishy funerals held in bathrooms across the world ever day. I believe if he was a good fish, there�ll be a place for him in the afterlife somewhere.

The remaining bottom feeder, who I was having trouble thinking of a name for, was christened Phil today, after Phil Collins. This is because I have a permanent hate-on for Phil Collins, and I think it would be disrespectful to name a bottom feeder after someone I liked.

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