Listening To:none... Oscar & W.O.V. are still sleeping.

Reading:The Mammoth Hunters... Jean M. Auel

Wishing:for some local friends

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Monday, Nov. 22, 2004 - 9:08 a.m.
Spongebob Movie!

W.O.V. came down to visit and we went to see the new Spongebob Sqaurepants movie! We went to the Friday matinee- thinking not only would we get to see it first, but most kidlets are still in school and won�t be in the theatre, so it wouldn�t be noisy or crowded. Logic prevailed- there weren�t more than ten others in the whole place, and there were only a very few kids. We got the perfect, best, prime seats.
The movie was good fun. There were things I felt could�ve been better- the mermaid was a stupid character, but there were some very fun moments as well. The bubble party in the Thug Tug was fun, and I won�t ever forget seeing Patrick in thigh-high boots and fishnet stockings. There are several kids scarred for life now, I bet.
There are two new additions to my household. Two large tropical fishes- Oscars, oddly enough. They�re huge and butt-ugly. I decided to call them Patty and Selma. I�ll have to put up some pictures later, it�s hard to describe how big they really are. Or how ugly.

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