Listening To:Spongebob Squarepants on TV in background

Reading:The Mammoth Hunters... Jean M. Auel

Wishing:for a cozy nap with Oscar

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Friday, Nov. 19, 2004 - 6:34 p.m.

So� I�m going to give the ultra, �ber-condensed version of the past few weeks for those of you who don�t know.
The coffee shop job didn�t work out. After I got back from the hospital, it was a totally different atmosphere to work in. It became obvious very quickly that it wasn�t going to last.
To make a long, painful, drawn-out story short, I left there and got a new job.
Yeah, I was kind of bummed at first. I was pretty upset. Who wouldn�t be? I left a job where I was trusted completely, where I knew how to do pretty much everything, to come up here and take the job I always wanted. I knew that I was taking a big risk, but I�m not sorry. I would never have left Hamilton without something to go to, and I love my new home. I love my neighborhood, and my apartment, and I really, really love my new job.
I work in a toy store now! Can you imagine anything more fun? I don�t make as much money as I did in the coffee shop, but I get enough, and I can come home to walk Oscar at lunch. The amount less that I am getting is worth it to me just to know my baby is looked after and I don�t have to worry about him being alone so much. It�s only a two minute walk from home, too- I know, I timed it. I don�t remember ever enjoying a job this much before- I really like helping people find the perfect gift, and I love seeing the new toys come in, and I get a discount on Play-doh and Crayola! Is there a better place for me in this world? Not likely.

Maybe everything didn�t turn out the way I expected, but it�s perfectly okay.

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